About Me

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Master Bedroom - Complete!

Drumroll please... tonight we will be sleeping in the master bedroom, for the first time!  It's only about 18 months since we moved in... ;)

So, here is how the master bedroom looked when we viewed the house, almost two years ago:

Starting to strip the wallpaper, and new windows in, March 2014:

How this room looked for the majority of the past year... clothes drying and general junk storage room:

In March this year we dismantled the built-in wardrobes, I blogged about that here:

In one corner of the bedroom was this "en suite", also known as a cupboard with a shower and washbasin:

Grotty shower:

Grotty basin:

Carpet up, April 2015.  The black dust is the remains of the underlay, which had disintegrated over the years to a nasty powder:


Ensuite ripped out and wall down between master bedroom and bathroom, 8 April 2015:

And new wall boarded, 9 April:

Ceiling plastered:

...and the walls too.  The reason for plastering the walls was the same as in the living room - the anaglypta textured wallpaper had ruined the surface of the painted plasterboard underneath.

Spot where the ensuite was...

Plaster drying:

Mist coat of paint on:

And wall colour on, 26 April:

New wardrobes starting to be fitted (dress is there to check the height of the hanging rail)

Doors going on, 20 May:

Doors fitted!

Carpet fitted, 22 May:

And wardrobes filled!  Probably pretty obvious but mine is the left, Ian's is the right.  Finally my wedding dress has a permanent home! (In the box top left)

Curtains made, 5 July:

And furniture all moved in today, thanks to my wonderful Daddy who drove over to help Ian move the heavy things!  Bad back plus pregnancy equals a ban on lifting things for me :)

We're planning to put a dressing table in the space on that wall between the tallboy and the chair, and still need to swap out the handles on the tallboy - the bedside tables now have handles which match the built-in wardrobes.  

I'd also like to put some of our extensive artwork collection on the walls, and I'm going to make a lampshade to match the curtains.  Finally, the door will be replaced along with all the other internal doors in the house... at some point...

Hope we sleep well tonight!

Sunday, 5 July 2015


I made some curtains!

I bought the fabric back in March, and the master bedroom has been 99% complete since the end of May, but around that time I was spending most of my evenings lying on the sofa trying not to throw up, and somehow the curtains never got made...

We couldn't move into the master bedroom until the curtains were up, so it has delayed us somewhat.  With a free (ish) weekend ahead of us, I got up on Saturday morning and decided the time had come!

I didn't take any progress photos, but the tutorial I used is here: http://sew-helpful.com/curtain-lined-pencil-pleat-index.php

Summer is a bad time to take photos of curtains since it's light outside so late!  

Once we've moved into the bedroom (and moved out the various bits of furniture currently lurking in there) I'll do a full before and after post... and I need to do a kitchen post as well!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Garden - 1 July

Mange tout:


The plants aren't the only ones growing...



Crocosmia Lucifer:



Don't think I needed to worry that dismantling the sunroom would kill the passionflower:


Tomatoes and cucumbers:


