Apologies for cheesy title ;)
Yesterday was a great day - whilst I was at work, Ian stayed at home with the electricians, and I came home to a new fuseboard (yay for not having to replace actual huge fuses if something trips!), new plug sockets, no more dimmer switches, new dining chairs (which Ian built), new curtains, my 2013 Photobook, and our lovely new wall/ceiling light fittings!
These light fittings are something of a miracle as we were finding it hard to agree on something we both liked, until I spotted these in John Lewis... in their Value range! They were an absolute bargain and we both liked them - result!
Apparently I once again failed to take any "before" photos of the old light fittings (probably because I was avoiding looking at the light fittings) so here they are sitting on our living room floor ready to be chucked at the weekend (scuse the mess):
And now for the "after" photos, which also feature the new curtains! So exciting! Curtains that cover the windows! (They're all a tad long, actually, because Laura Ashley had a sale on readymade curtains that made these about £500 cheaper than if we'd had them made to measure through LA. We will use the Mother/Mother-in-Law curtain making service at some point but wanted these asap! We'll take them up at some point)
I haven't managed to get any daylight photos yet so here we have with and without flash, neither of which is quite representative (scuse the mess again, and please note the lovely new dining chairs):
Dining Room end without flash
Dining Room end with flash
Sofa end without flash
Sofa end with flash
And here endeth the excitement of lights and curtains for now... now to decide what on earth to do re. fireplaces (replace with new and potentially never use it, or decide we don't need a fire, rip out, and plaster over?)